Community Service in ISGS
Community Service is an organised individual or group activity, that serves the community, is not funded and it is pedagogicaly prossesed according to the law, in eight areas.
About the community service.
Hungarian law of education (2011. évi CXC. Törvény 6.§ (4)) sets as requirement for starting the final exams the fulfilment of 50 hours of community service for all students.
Regulations for community service.
To start Community Service, at the beginning of the year the student must fill in application form, and parent approval. These documents are in Hungarian, and the coordinator provides any help needed to fill them.
1: How and where to do?
In case a student/parent finds an attractive opportunity by her/him self and fits in the law regulations (organization), the school gladly helps the student to fulfil the hours at the institution chosen. Also parents are asked to motivate their child to fulfil the hours before the last year of school, until they finish 11th grade.
Apart from the experience of helping, the aim of community service is to make young people do good thing for others, the community, environment, but at the same time enjoy it and find it meaningful.
1.1 At organisations chosen by student, other than the school
1.1.1 Community service can count if the service is done in Hungary, at an organization with Hungarian residence.
1.1.2 Organizations should be Non profit organizations, and their field of work should be within the following categories(8)
Educational: school, kindergarten, language schools
Environmental: environmental organizations, Animal shelters, WWF, National Geographic etc.
Healthcare: any organization in healthcare (hospital, lifeguards, spas etc)
Cultural and community wellbeing: museums, theatres, any organization dealing with community wellbeing (e.g. municipal offices, ethnic minority offices)
Social and charity: charity organizations, homeless, elderly caring, mentally disabled, people with other disabilities care.
Disaster recovery: fire department, police, city/tourist police, in occasions of flood for example at the coordinator organization of the helping team.
Mentally disabled, or people with other disabilities care: (e.g. camps, sport events)
At the organizations cooperating with the police in accidents and crime prevention: (e.g. translating etc).
1.1.3 When student is doing service outside school, the school needs to have a cooperation contract with the organization.
To make a contract the procedure is the following. There is a form at the Hungarian Education Ministry homepage which the school alters according to the organization we are approaching. The data needed are the name of the organization, address and also the name of contact person in charge, email and telephone).
With this information the school approaches the organization write a contract, send it to them and then both persons in charge need to sign the papers.
1.2 In the school or at events organised by the school.
1.2.1 During the school year students have opportunities to get community service hours organising and taking part actively and helping in school events such as:
1.2.2 Taking part in the activities for community service organised by the school
Students should sign up for community service activities organised every year from the school:
Our school has contract with various organizations covering all the fields that students can work in. A list of organizations with contacts can be found at the following link:
2: Documentation
All hours signed during one semester are signed in the official documents of the student, the report card and certificate.
If the student leaves the school the school provides a certificate of the hours completed until that time.
3: Signing of hours
During school days the maximum hours that can be given are 3. During days of no school (weekends, summer or any other brake) the maximum hours that can be given for one day are 5.
4: Contact: Gadzojanisz Andreasz
tel: +36306957610 +36 1 209 4983
email: andreasz.gadzojanisz@bmegimi.
5: Downloads