Preliminary ranking of applicants Year 9 (2025-2026)

Dear Parents and Applicants

Below you can find the preliminary admissions list. The ranked applicants are listed with their Edu ID (oktatási azonosító) or code names. For the academic year of 2025-2026 the school admits 48 students as part of the regular admissions procedure.

Applicants not shown on the list did not reach 70% in the English test or have already withdrawn their applications. 
As usual, students have likely applied to several different schools and programmes. These students are now shown on several lists, but they will only be admitted to one school. Due to this, students who have been ranked beyond 48 still have a chance to get into our school.
It is possible to modify the order of preference of the schools students applied to between March 25 and 27 2025.
The final list of admitted students will be prepared by the Educational Office (Oktatási Hivatal).

Applying students and their families will be informed about the result till May 5 2025.

 Student ID (Oktatási azonosító) or Code
1              Alena
2 72969403389
3 73088781461
4 73408606534
5 73010114580
6 73005631292
7 74051518591
8 PamutFűszer
9 72999029310
10 72963790679
11 73502704067
12 73165775297
13 Jegesmedve
14 74049908544
15 73015187839
16 84327989026
17 73451744760
18 72941054364
19 72958181077
20 72948581511
21 73034699731
22 73123678487
23 72902915024
24 73250704756
25 73102412491
26 73435597755
27 72877714970
28 72885020633
29 72887196897
30 72914515938
31 73015232110
32 73024504470
33 73405227806
34 74115629185
35 73113365451
36 73009533665
37 72937891374
38 72933993509
39 73160555826
40 74188862724
41 74298130237
43 73075555712
44 72885453538
45 74404886585
46 London31
47 72824784893
48 84327989518
49 Jonas
50 72937889607
51 73406269032
52 Angol2011
53 72885603662
54 72891388640
55 72892481541
56 73051688867
57 73130575416
58 72894657045
59 72940135824
60 Dash
61 72883961449
62 72888511617
63 73171278528
64 74051376781
65 72937267572
66 72935656740
67 73086502234
69 72953151128
70 72871096228
71 72954918990
72 73252634848
73 73043616273
74 73304438975
75 72935823722
76 73292500393
77 72893151872
78 72895496851
79 72886631877
80 72959282637
81 73002665377
82 73068175544
83 72884754401
84 73322724544
85 73255265701
86 73342805354
87 73505124632
88 73505757402
89 72930451642
90 73020018096
91 73236229284
92 73092166834
93 73149210376
94 73405208794
95 73014267828
96 Unikornis28
97 72735920560
98 72902358566
99 74227659706
100 72999628423
101 72946085828
102 84327991392
103 72988853240
104 72958988474
105 73004956364
106 72820882537
107 73260566949
108 73161014876
109 72922831923
110 73034758841
111 72958638968
112 73010231030
113 74063262380
114 72902906517
115 73793299173
116 72907835697
117 73406183377
118 72940008492
119 72961265938
120 73342558600
121 74397208202
122 73236502581
123 73028072758
124 72998761124
125 72891780617
126 72999883471
127 72945766915
128 73003383444
129 72937486363
130 73009754479
131 73011170127
132 73252489961
133 72914825752


Tuesday, 18 March 2025