A student can claim the full time student status for a specified payment, which is 2.200.000 HUF/year in 2025-2026 for all classes and will be annualy indexed according to the Hungarian Gross Income statistics published by the hungarian central statistical office (KSH). A Sibling Allowance for brothers and sisters is awarded to all parents as follows: second child and all subsequent children 20% reduction of payment.
Textbooks for the year (distributed once, before or at the beginning of the school-year).
Books are provided for use, the students are expected to preserve their condition. After use, books must be returned, on leaving school the latest). If a book has been lost or damaged, the student must either replace it or reimburse the school for its full amount.
Coaching hours: one hour per week per subject as need arises. The student is to inform the subject teacher at least one day in advance. Each teacher has one hour per week set aside for consultation.
Special study groups and extracurricular activities
A student may join maximum 2 groups in a semester. The groups are advertised in September for which the student signs up in writing. With at least 5 participants work begins in October. If the number of participants decreases below 5, the group may be cancelled.
Tickets to museums and theatre performances if the programme is organised by the school : Maximum 2 tickets per semester can be provided.
Travel expenses and accommodation in the yearly study trip:
A 2-day study trip is organised every year for our classes. The travel and boarding expenses are covered by the school up to 6000 HUF/student. Other expenses (food, admission fees etc) are paid by the students.
Organizing the skiing programme:
Students may apply for this programme every year. Expenses covered by the students include travel, accommodation, and track user’s pass, insurance. If someone has had serious disciplinary problems prior to the programme, they may be banned from participating. The expenses of the accompanying teacher(s) are paid by the school.
Expenses of the freshmen’s camp
Every year, at the end of August the school organises a 3-day programme for newly admitted students. Participants need only some pocket money, as travel, accommodation and full broad are paid by the school. A few students from higher classes are also invited to this programme on the recommendation of the staff.
Pre-graduates’ Ball
A special ball for graduating students is organized every year. The school pays the rent of the hall (up to 400.000 HUF) and for the printing of the invitation cards. All other expenses are covered by the students except for hiring costumes for students in lower classes who join the dance(s).
Day of social sciences, day of natural sciences
In the first semester a day of social sciences and in the second a day of natural sciences is organised. Admission fees and/or the guide’s fee are paid by the school. As these days are normal teaching days and participation is compulsory.
The scholarship provides full payment reduction for one student and is awarded per semester. (In case of exceptional performance a second applicant may also be awarded)
A student is eligible for the scholarship if
s/he has achieved an avarage of 5.0 in her/his school report,
s/he is an outstanding, active member of the class and school community,
The scholarship is awarded – every semester – by a four-member committee. The members of the committee are: the principal, the vice principal, the class teacher of the applicant and a representative of the student self-governing body. The scholarship can be given maximum to two student at a time. The scholarship can be given only once to a student during her/his studies.
Reduction of payment
The student who has achieved a 5.0 average in her/his school report pays 80% of the payment of the next semester (20% off)
The student who has at most two grades of 4 in her/his school report and all the other marks are 5.0 pays 90% of the payment of the next semester. (10% off)