Urbán Krisztián - Vice principal, Form teacher 12A, History, IB TOK
Dr. Cserép Szilvia - IB Coordinator, Chemistry IB
Ollé Attila - Assistant IB Coordinator, IB English
Szalai Zsófia - Form teacher Class 9B, Spanish
Vaniga Zsuzsa - Form teacher Class 9A, Hungarian Lang. and Lit.,
Lőrincze Tímea - Form teacher Class 10, Biology
Hegyiné Soós Erika - Form teacher Class 11A, History, IB
Gergelyi Judit - Form teacher Class 11B, History
Monostori Máté - 11 IB class mentor, Hungarian
Sebőkné Szabó Emőke - Form teacher Class 12B, Head of English
Dömel András - 12 IB class mentor, Mathematics, IB
Árvai Gergely - IT
Bán- Moson Ágnes - School Administration
Cadenas, Carlos - Physical Education
Charles, Anita - IB Business
Cserépné Nagy Andrea German, IB
Cvjetic, Ozren - Media, IB Economics
Dömelné Juhász Zsuzsanna - Mathematics IB
Fehér Bence - Chemistry
Ferre, Maxence - French
Fórián-Szabóné Sárközi Márta - Hungarian
Gadzojanisz Andreasz - Physical Education, CAS IB
Galambos Ágoston Psychology IB
Hamada, Afaf - English
Horváth Alexandra - Spanish, IB
Horváth Ágnes - Art
Horváth György - IB ESS
Klein Attila - English
Kormányné Fülöp Ágota - Physical Education
Lesznik Ákos - Chemistry
Létai Márton - Art
Lukács Katalin - French IB
Majorné Vígh Zita - French, IB
Nicholls, Harry - Mathematics
Oakley, Marlon - English IB
Palmer, Nick - English
Pilter Adorján - IB Maths
Dr. Plank Zsuzsana -Physics IB
Sebestyén Marcell - Physics
Stimecz Edina Music
Száraz Katalin - German, IB
Todorovics Csilla IB Biology
Zsapkáné Botár Klára - English