Library Resources and Information for the BME International Secondary School
International Baccalaureate Diploma Program
January 2021
Valid from March 1st, 2021
Our Librarian: Ms. Vegh
Contact: veronika.vegh@bmegimi.com
Research plays an integral part in the mission of the International Baccalaureate Diploma program. One of the fundamental purposes of a library is to foster inquisitivity. This means that candidates should be encouraged to browse the library and understand how to do this by having opportunities in classes and through library hours. The library also serves to develop the knowledge of the candidates in the same way.
In addition knowledge is developed through the IAs. For IAs candidates have a certain degree of freedom to explore, and an expressed purpose of many of the IAs is to expose candidates to proper use of sources and to develop their skills at finding, integrating, and referencing these sources. The necessity of understanding what is a valuable and reliable source is even more vital in the EE whether this be primary and secondary sources in history, online collecting for Business Management, background research for Chemistry, or articles for second languages and group one languages.
The library must also serve the needs of CAS, match the learner profile, promote international-mindedness, and approaches to learning. This means that the library must be available and have physical and virtual space for working for candidates throughout the day. Candidates must be encouraged to take risks through research and expand concepts of CAS through this research. This must be done so that candidates are aware of what is acceptable and reasonable so they can achieve with the prescribed feedback from CAS Supervisors, mentors, or class tutors. Acceptable and reasonable also applies to the expressed value of the IB DP to promote a more caring, peaceful world - which is developed formally through CAS and international mindedness.
The school acknowledges the usefulness of a full online library as well as a brick and mortar library and provides candidates with the opportunity to explores Budapest’s most well stocked English language library, On the other hand, what candidates and teachers often use are a diverse set of periodicals and articles for a wide variety of purposes. Though this may include simple google searches, with the current spread of all kinds of non-academically or poorly sourced texts, candidates need to move beyond these kinds of searches to develop an understanding what is an academic resource, how can they be found, and to what extent are they usable. The BME International Secondary School works to achieve these goals through librarian training of staff and candidates; preselecting, purchasing and presenting of quality sources to staff and candidates; reviewing of sources and procedures on a yearly basis.
Purpose of the Library:
The library must fulfill the following purposes to match the needs of IB Candidates as stated in the introduction.
- To expose candidates to inquiry throwing browsing to the possibilities of brick and mortar libraries
- To develop the knowledge of the candidates
- To provide a “library” specific space for candidates to actively engage with resources - To present resources such as World Cat that direct candidates to the location of resources
- To clarify the determination of the validity or sources
- To organize and purchase all sources necessary for implementation for all groups as determined by group heads.
- To provide candidates with information on websites, programs, and resources that assist in organizing bibliographical resources (easybib)
- To provide candidates with information on websites, programs, and resources that help candidates ensure they are maintaining academic honesty (easybib, turn it in) - To train staff and candidates for the above listed purposes.
The Role of the Librarian:
The librarian is a part-time position (⅙) for the IB as the librarian ensures the fulfillment of the listed purposes by working with the candidates and staff. These include the following which are reviewed on a yearly-basis:
- Assessing the needs of staff by consulting with group leader and all staff through staff meetings and surveys
- Fulfill the needs of the staff through purchases, candidate training, maintenance of resource page
- Ensure staff awareness of the library’s relationship to CAS, learner profile, and ATL - Expose candidates on how to find sources through training (4 meetings/year) - Ensure through training that candidates understand use of sources
including how to cite, create bibliographies, and determine academic honesty - instill through training the ability to determine the validity of sources - Provide candidates with library card and exposure to brick-and-mortar library - Provide individual assistance to staff as needed in relation to the above listed roles
Important Information on the Library
Location: IB Study Centre Room: A5 is the designated library. You may use the space here for research and study. If you need a laptop for your work, please contact either Mr. Z or Ms. Vegh. It is open from 8:00-3:00 every day.
Online Library: Your main research tool is our online library for which you have a login. This is Proquest Central Student and you may login through this link:
https://www.proquest.com/login?accountid=207650 which becomes live on March 1st.
Brick and Mortar Library: The school uses an outside library and provides background to assist you in using this library:
Here is the relevant information:
Website: https://www.oik.hu/
Contact: National Library of Foreign Literature
Address: 1056 Budapest, Molnár u. 11.
Postal address: 1462 Budapest, Pf. 469.
Phone number: +36 (1) 318-3688
Fax: +36 (1) 318-0147
It is about 15 minutes from the school by tram across the river.
Websites to help you find your book:
If you know the book or article you want and would like to locate a library that has it use world Catalogue:
To find more academic articles that may be useful in your research as both of these locate articles and books that are more academic in nature.
Free sources and registrations: These organizations offer a range of resources for free and it is safe to register
- Use Easybib for assisting with bibliographies, citations, and plagiarism checking: https://www.easybib.com/
- Jstor offers a huge range of article sources going back hundreds of years and by registering you have access to a large number of free articles. https://www.jstor.org/
Common Sites used by Group
Group 1:
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Group 6